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How to exfoliate face

How to exfoliate your face: everything you need to know

If you’re reading this, you probably fall into one of two categories: 1) you’ve gone a little too hard on the face scrub 2) you have no idea what you should be using to exfoliate. And if you fall into both of them, don’t stress - we’ve all been there!

Exfoliating your face is an essential step in any skin care routine, along with cleansing and moisturising. But knowing how to exfoliate your face can be tricky, especially when you have to take your skin type and any major skincare concerns into consideration. To help you out, we’re going to answer some frequently asked questions and give you some of our favourite tips on how to exfoliate your face!

Ready to change your skincare routine for good? Let’s go.


Is exfoliating your face good?

Honestly, if we could marry our exfoliators, we would. Like we said above, exfoliating is a must.

As we get older, our cell turnover slows down and dead skin cells can dull our complexion. These dead skin cells can not only clog pores, but can actually block skincare products from properly absorbing into your skin. So when you bring an exfoliator into the mix, you’re removing these dead skin cells to reveal healthier, newer and younger ones below.

Are there any more benefits of exfoliating? You betcha. It can:

  • Even out your skin tone
  • Fade acne scars and dark spots
  • Brighten your overall complexion and increase cell turnover
  • Help reduce acne and clear out clogged pores
  • Help other skincare products to penetrate deeper
  • Give you a smoother makeup application

And once you find the right exfoliator that doesn’t completely strip your skin of all its moisture and natural oils? Well, the world just seems to be a little brighter.

Chemical vs physical exfoliators

Physical exfoliators

When it comes to exfoliating, you ultimately have two options: chemical or physical. Physical exfoliators are what most people think of when they hear the word “exfoliate”.

These are your exfoliating brushes and face scrubs, and you have to use physical movements to remove the dead skin cells (i.e. rubbing the scrub into your face). While face scrubs are ~amazing~ and work perfectly fine for some people, they can actually do more damage than good for others. If you’ve got ultra sensitive skin or struggle with acne, physical exfoliators could possibly damage your skin barrier and aggravate your skin.

Chemical exfoliators

Chemical exfoliators, on the other hand, are perfect for everyone! While it may sound scary to put “acids” on your face, they’re actually very gentle.

Instead of physically sloughing off those dead skin cells, chemical exfoliators use acids to gently dissolve them. Because of this, you’re left with an intact skin barrier and glowing, smooth skin. Cool, right?

How to exfoliate your face with physical exfoliators

Exfoliating your face with physical scrubs is pretty easy. All you gotta do is gently apply the scrub to your face in slow, circular motions and then rinse with warm water afterwards. And please for the love of the exfoliating gods, don’t scrub like you’re trying to rub a stain out of your favourite shirt. Then just make sure you follow up with your moisturiser and serums!

What are the best face scrubs?

When it comes to face scrubs, these are our top picks:



How to exfoliate your face with chemical exfoliators

Okay, now time for the good stuff. Using chemical exfoliators is even easier than physical scrubs! It ultimately depends on the formula, but all you really have to do is apply the exfoliator to your clean face and let it work its magic. Some people like to use a cotton pad and others prefer to put it straight onto their face - you do you! After applying the exfoliator, let it dry for a bit and then follow up with your moisturiser and serums.

What are the best chemical exfoliators?

There are two types of chemical exfoliators: alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and beta hydroxy acid (BHA). The AHA exfoliators are your lactic and glycolic acids, whereas the BHA is your salicylic acid.

If you’re new to chemical exfoliating, we recommend starting with AHA’s - especially lactic acid as this tends to be the gentlest. If your skin is pretty “normal” and isn’t really sensitive, move up to glycolic acid!

Our fave AHA exfoliators

If you’ve got acne prone skin, BHA’s will be your go-to (as salicylic acid is a common acne spot treatment). And if you’ve been using chemical exfoliators for a while, you can opt for BHA’s combined with AHA’s - like the ones we’ve picked out below. These are powerhouse chemical exfoliators, a lot of them from K-beauty brands, and they certainly pack a punch!

Our fave BHA exfoliators



So now you know how to exfoliate your face…

What are you waiting for! If you want glowing skin, jump onto the exfoliating bandwagon and introduce it into your skincare routine (especially since you know how to exfoliate your face now).

Say goodbye to clogged pores and dull complexions, and hello to youthful, bright skin! Shop both physical and chemical exfoliators at Oz Hair & Beauty with Afterpay and Zippay today.

Give these a read too:

posted by

Caitlin Whan on July 13, 2020

